Recovery & Repair
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iOS Tips

How to Unjailbreak an iPhone

By FonePaw | May 06 , 2015

There are many good reasons for you to jailbreak your iPhone. By jailbreaking your iPhone, you can download  apps from anywhere, not just from the App Store; you can use alternatives to the default apps in iOS, many of which have more functionality and you can even modify your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch to get an exclusive smartphone experience.


However, there are also a number of downsides to jailbreaking and you finally decide to remove jailbreak software from your iPhone. You might want to want to upgrade your iPhone but only find that upgrading iOS software on a jailbroken device is really a headache-inducing process. it is also impossible that you lose your iPhone data after a failed jailbreak (Read more on How to Restore Jailbroken iPhone). Importantly, when you take your jailbroken iPhone to the Genius Bar for repair, they'll refuse to fix it - you must remove the jailbreak first!


Fortunately, it's really simple to remove the jailbreak from iPhone, iPad or iPod. The process is to backup iPhone, then restore it and recover your device from backup.


1. Backup your iOS device. It is recommended to backup your device with both iTunes and iCloud.


2. Restore. When the backup is complete and your iPhone is connected to iTunes, select it from the sidebar. Then, in the Summary panel, click "Restore iPhone". Confirm the "Restore" and iTunes will restore your iPhone to factory settings and wipe all data on your device.

Restore iPhone


3. Recover data from iPhone backup. After restoration, your device will guide you activate iPhone. Once you pass the Wi-Fi setup screen, you'll be asked how you'd like to set up your device. Select "Restore from iCloud Backup" or "Restore from iTunes Backup". (Note: Skip the Apple ID sign-in, in case the original issue was related to any of your content on iCloud.)

Recover Data from iPhone Backup


After setting up as new, you've removed the jailbreak software from your iPhone. And when you take it to Genius Bar, there’ll be no noticeable footprints that you have done the jailbreak or not.


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