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Supports More Media Files - FonePaw Android Data Recovery Version 1.2.0 Upgraded

By FonePaw | Aug 21 , 2015

We have received messages from FonePaw Android Data Recovery users, saying that version 1.0.0 supported text file recovery only does not fully satisfy their needs because they sometimes need to recover deleted media files. And now we excitedly announce a piece of good news! FonePaw Android Data Recovery version 1.2.0 that supports recovering photos, videos, audios and documents has released. Let's take a quick look at it.


Compared with the old version, this one supports not only recovery of text files but that of deleted media. Recoverable contents range over a variety of types, such as cache images, pictures captured by the phone camera, music, ringtones, sound record, movies, documents, and more. And below is the list of exported file formats:


Gallery& Picture Library:.jpg, .png, .gif, .bmp, .webp, .tiff and more
Audio: .3gp, .aac, .aiff, .flac, .m4a, .mka, .mp3, .mp2, .ac3, .wav, .wma and more
Video: .mp4, *.ts, *.mts, *.m2ts, *.trp, *.tp, *.m2t, *.flv, *.mkv, *.mpg;*.mpeg, *.wtv, *.webm, *.wmv, *.asf, *.3gp, *.3g2 and more
Document: DOC, XLS, PPT, PDF, HTML, ZIP, RAR and more.


Once the Android is connected to PC, you can map the field of Gallery, Picture library, Videos, Audios, and Documents and enable the program to scan your data. Then, here comes the second point I cannot wait to introduce - version 1.2.0 will automatically root your Android phone before scanning. And it delivers higher success rate of rooting. In other words, it won't get stuck during the scan process or require you to download a program to root. When this step ends, you can selectively mark the ones you want and preview them in details. Deleted items displayed in red can be scanned and previewed. Last, one click on "Recover" will retrieve your media files to PC.


Plus, version 1.2.0 is compatible with much more Android brands which runs Android 4.4 or above than that of version 1.0.0, such as Samsung Galaxy S6 with Android OS 5.0.1, HTC M8 with 4.4.2, Sony Xperia with 4.4.4, LG G4 with 5.0.1, Google Nexus 5 with 5.0.1, HUAWEI with 4.4.4, etc.


All in all, the new version of FonePaw Android Data Recovery is greatly fixed and improved. Hope all of you like it.


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