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FonePaw iOS Transfer (Windows) 1.4.0 Released

By FonePaw | Jul 07 , 2015

Longed for by many, the new Windows version 1.4.0 of FonePaw iOS Transfer is ready for all users on July 6, 2015. You can diredtly download it from FonePaw website and install it on your windows computer. This upgrade is starting to become availble for iOS 8.4 and iTunes 12.2.

FonePaw iOS Transfer Setup

So, what's new in FonePaw iOS Transfer 1.4.0 update for Windows? Let's explore some changes in this release.


First and foremost, FonePaw iOS Transfer is fully compatible with the latest iOS 8.4 and iTunes 12.2. Thus you can manage your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch without worrying the incompatibility problems. Secondly, the stability of connection between iOS devices and computer has been improved. Thirdly, the crash problem of merging duplicate contacts on your iPhone/iPad/iPod touch has been addressed. Last but not least, the issue of exporting PDFs to iTunes has been modified. To transfer PDFs from iOS device to iTunes, simply choose "Books", tick those you need, and click "Export to iTunes Library".

Main Interface of iOS Transfer 8.4

Export PDF to iTunes

FonePaw values your feedbacks and will continuously improve the performance of iOS Transfer based on your comments and suggestions. What do you think of this update? Share your thoughts on FonePaw iOS Transfer (Windows) 1.4.0 below.

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