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5 Critical Factors to Consider When Choosing Software Solutions

By FonePaw | Jan 10 , 2020

When you start looking at the software you need for your business, there are many points that you need to consider. A lot of companies will need similar software features, such as email, word processing, and the like. But here is so much more that you can use to your advantage. It is essential to take a good look at what your requirements are before even browsing.


Things like security, accessibility, usability, and more are all going to factor into the software equation. Does your company need end-to-end encryption to keep correspondence extra secure? Maybe you need a specialized accounting system due to your type of business. There is a lot you must consider before deciding on software solutions.




1. What Can It Do For You?

Once you have figured out your software needs, you must then look into providers that give you precisely what you want. There are so many different solutions out there. For your sake, you must go with the one that can provide you exactly what you need. If you don't have significant financial restraints, you can even find providers that will customize the software for your business.


Keep in mind to consider not only the features you need but also the ones you may need soon. For example, if you need cloud storage, you may go for the industry leader and choose Dropbox. But what if you're going to need to create online spreadsheets or forms later on? Then G Suite, also featuring cloud storage, can be a better option.




2. What Do Other People Think?

It's an age where anything and everything in some form has reviews on the internet. Software solution providers are no different. It is critical to see what other businesses have to say. Get an idea of what helped their other customers and how often people may have been disappointed. You can never base your decision solely on a review score. But it is always an excellent sign of the quality of work a company does.


3. Does It Integrate Well?

Integration is a huge issue for companies that don't spend enough time researching their needs versus their current software solutions. Not every system is going to be a perfect fit. You must ensure that your provider is aware of everything you currently use. This way, they can tailor your new software to integrate with your current system. They can also suggest ways to fix any compatibility issues.


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4. Is the Price Right?

Every company, regardless of its size, is going to have to face a budget when looking for new software solutions. This is the reality in business, as everything you do will be within the confines of the chosen budget. You must research and see what kind of solutions are available to you in your given financial constraints. Then try to select the best value compared to the money.


While it is often difficult to be exact on what kind of value you are getting, you need to ensure that you spend your money well. Usually, you can get a good idea by reading reviews of solutions in your price range. Also, try contacting the provider to get more concrete details on exactly what they can offer.


Keep in mind that cheaper solutions can have security vulnerabilities. Freeware usually has many issues in particular. If developers don't earn from you paying for their product, they may profit by selling your data to third-parties or planting adware on your devices. That's why it's vital to choose a company that you can trust. When you need software that deals with sensitive data, such as passwords or customer records, opt-in for products that feature zero-knowledge encryption. For more information click here:


5. How Good is Customer Support?

You can look at this from two different areas, both customer and technical support. Every piece of software ever created has run into bugs and technical glitches over time. That is the way of programming. What you need to ensure is that your provider is going to be available when you need them to fix any issues that may arise.


Take a look into their hours of operation and what types of communication they have for support. If this provider is located on the other side of the world, and only open during regular business hours, it won't be easy to get any real support during your business day. Choose a provider that will be there for you when you need them.


6. Take Your Time When Choosing

Even if you are a brand new company looking to get out of the gate running, choosing software solutions should be a marathon, not a race. There are many unique needs that your business may have. Not every provider is going to be able to help with these needs.


When you decide that you need newer and more relevant software at your business, take the time to get details on everything. This software is going to be at the heart of your business and day-to-day operations. For the success and feasibility of your company, it is crucial to do the research and choose the provider that is right for you.


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