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How to Display Owner Information on the Lock Screen on Android Phone

By FonePaw | Feb 03 , 2016
There are times where your Android is lost and found by a stranger. If the device is unlocked, he or she can contact you after referring the owner info. And you can email/call/text back and tell the person how he or she can return the phone. But you may lock your Android phone with PIN/pattern/password under certain circumstances. So one cannot reach the owner information. However, you can previously set to display owner information on the lock screen on Android phone so that people can read your info and know how to contact with you. Here's how.

Display Owner Information on Android Lock Screen

Step 1. Drop and drag the notification bar at the right. Then hit "SETTINGS".


Step 2. On the "Settings" page, scroll down and select "Security" under the category "PERSONAL".


Step 3. In this screen, scroll down the page and touch "Owner info". After that, you can edit your personal info.
Owner Info


Step 4. Enter your personal info the blank field. Then tap the download arrow to hide the Android keyboard.
Edit Owner Info


Step 5. In this screen, check the option "Show owner info on lock screen", which ensures that your info will be displayed on the lock screen. Then tap the return button and go back.
Back to Security


Step 6. If you want your Android phone locked once the power button is pressed, check the option "Power button instantly locks".
Power Button Instantly Locks


Done! If you are too unlucky to lose your Android phone, people can read your e-mail address and get to know how to contact with you. And you can get back your lost Android phone with the help of the nice guy.


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