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Mobile Apps for a Healthy Lifestyle

By FonePaw | Feb 09 , 2020

Health is an aspect of our life that many of us take for granted. It is only when you go on a trip to the hospital, you decide to give some serious thought to it. So why not take care of it while you still have the chance?
The advent of mobile apps has made a lot of things easy for us. Check out some of these amazing mobile apps below that will help you take care of your health, physically, emotionally and mentally from the palm of your hands.


My Possible Self

You often give importance to your physical health and tend to ignore your mental health. Mental health can be far more important at times and can be significantly more problematic if not paid attention to.


My Possible Self is an exceptional mobile app that is equipped with amazing features that assess your mental state and provide you with guidance accordingly. Since the people behind it are professional psychologists, its results are undoubtedly remarkable.


With the Mood Tracker function, you can track down what caused your mood to fluctuate and take precautions accordingly. In case you want to find out how far you have come along, you can always utilize the Mood History feature to check your progress.


My Possible Self


Insight Timer

Peace of mind is a true blessing that few people are able to attain. With this remarkable app, find the inner peace that you always desire. Be a part of a digital community and experience meditation like never before.


The humungous library in this app provides you access to over 30,000 guided meditations. And in case you are wondering, more than ten million meditators are already reaping benefits from it.


Whether you are furious at a work thing or heartbroken from a social affair, this app is capable of taking you on a journey of inner peace instantaneously.


Insight Timer



MyFitnessPal is a comprehensive all-in-one deal that can help you take care of your weight, fitness, and nutrition. The app lets you create fitness goals for yourself to help you get the perfect body. In case you are confused about how to set up a goal for you, the app will create one for you.


After a workout, if you want to go for a delicious but healthy meal, then take benefit from the healthy recipes available in the app inventory. Whatever you do or eat can conveniently be logged into a database that you may refer to in the future in order to find out any loopholes preventing you from reaching your goal.





Another useful fitness app that you can look out for is the 8fit app. With this app, you get to try out all sorts of different workouts such as boxing, yoga, Tabata and many more. The app lets you design a workout for yourself that suits your specific needs.


Once you commit to such an intense workout routine, you would obviously need a wholesome meal to recharge yourself. Get access to customized meal plans with all sorts of amazing recipes. Whether you are a vegan or a paleo, the app is ready to take care of it all.


8fit App


Symple Symptom Tracker

The first thing you do when you are feeling ill is look up the symptoms online and you often come across drastic and improbable results. Symple Symptom Tracker takes care of this. With its never-ending database, you can look up your symptoms without worrying about inaccuracy.


Track your lifestyle with this simple yet amazing app. Whether you are not sleeping right or your diet is not the same as it used to be, use this app to note down your symptoms and you can check-up with your doctor for further diagnosis if need arises.


Symple Symptom Tracker


La La Lunchbox

This unique mobile app is designed specifically for children’s lunches. There are many times when you just cannot strike the balance between healthy and delicious no matter how hard you try. This app lets children create their own lunch from the ingredients available in four healthy categories.


Parents still have the ability to add or remove ingredients from those lunches if they deem necessary and one more thing, once all the ingredients are decided, they are all placed into a neat and tidy list for parents to make the grocery shopping task easier.


Filled with scrumptious recipes like Blueberry Chocolate Cups, Sweet Potato Breakfast Tacos and many others, the app manages to engage children and keep them healthy at the same time.


La La Launchbox


It is never too late to turn your life in the right direction. Use these exceptional apps to take control of your health right away. Just be sure to have a reliable internet connection if you need to download these apps. In case you are looking for one, then Spectrum has the perfect answer for you.


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